GYMCADDY™ Turkey Meatballs

Hey guys, here is a simple and easy to make turkey meat ball recipe that you can make at home. Prep time for this is just 10 minutes and 45 minutes in the oven. Remember, meal prepping is an important component to reaching your fitness goals. Also, remember to pick up your GYMCADDY™ HERE


1 pound of lean Ground Turkey

8 ounces of Pre Packaged Salsa of your choice

8 ounces of Shredded Cheddar Cheese

8 ounces of Oats (We use it as a binding agent)

Seasonings of your choice - We recommend Chili Powder, Red Pepper, and Garlic Powder. 

Preparation (10 Minutes) 

First, pre-heat the oven to 375 degrees F

In a large bowl pour your salsa, shredded cheese, and oats. 

Next divide your ground turkey into 6 cubes and mix into the large bowl. 

Mix all of the contents until its fully combined. 

Spray Non Stick Cooking Oil into your baking dish. 

Pack your ground turkey into tennis ball sized meatballs

Place in oven for 45 minutes (uncovered) or until golden brown

And there you have it, super simple turkey meatballs to help you with your meal prepping. Play around with the seasonings and spices until you find exactly what you like. These meatballs are easy to make, healthy, low in fat and high in protein.