Sony WH-1000XM3

Sony WH-1000XM5 Review And Compared To XM4 And XM3

Sony WH-1000XM5 Review And Compared To XM4 And XM3

Now I will admit, we got the Sony WH-1000XM5’s much earlier than I expected. I wasn’t expecting these headphones for another 8 to 12 months. Now even though the 1000XM5’s block out more noise, they sound a little better, and they have better feeling leatherette… their redesigned body has brought us all the way back to square one. Nonetheless, today we’re going to checkout the 1000XM5’s…. And we’re going to see how they compare to the 1000XM4’s, 1000XM3’s, and I’m even going to lightly sprinkle in the 1000XM2’s.

AirPods Max Vs Sony WH-1000XM4 Vs Sony WH-1000XM3

AirPods Max Vs Sony WH-1000XM4 Vs Sony WH-1000XM3

So now that that AirPods max are here there’s definitely a lot of hype around them cause they’re from apple. Now even though the AirPods Max do deliver when it comes to sound and active noise cancelation… personally I find it very hard to justify them cause they just have a lot of quirks to them that are very hard to over look when you’re dropping $550 for your headphones.

So today we’re going to be comparing the AirPods Max to more sensible options like the Sony 1000XM4’s… and we’re also going to be comparing them to the Sony 1000XM3’s… cause cause even though the 1000XM4’s are out… these are still a great pair of ANC headphones.

Sony H.ear On 3 Review - Compared To Sony 1000XM3

Sony H.ear On 3 Review - Compared To Sony 1000XM3

So for awhile now sony has been dominating the Premium ANC headphones market with their Sony 1000XM3’s and they’ve been dominating the Mid range ANC headphones market with their XB900N’s. But then there are the Sony WH-H910N or also known as the H.ear On 3’s which sit in the middle between these other two headphones. And even though the H.ear On 3’s do have their pro’s… im not really sure why they exists.