Sony WH-1000XM5

Sony's 2023 ANC Headphones Lineup Explained - WH-CH720N Vs XM5 Vs XM4 Vs XB910N

Sony's 2023 ANC Headphones Lineup Explained - WH-CH720N Vs XM5 Vs XM4 Vs XB910N

So as of early 2023, Sony has released their new entry level ANC headphones, the Sony WH-CH720N. And overall, I really like these headphones and I think that these headphones has helped redeem sony. But today we’re going to break down Sony’s current ANC headphone line up and we’re going to see how the WH-CH720N compare to the XB910N, 1000XM4, and even the 1000XM5’s.

Bowers And Wilkins PX7 S2 Vs Sony WH-1000XM5 Vs Sony WH-1000XM4

Bowers And Wilkins PX7 S2 Vs Sony WH-1000XM5 Vs Sony WH-1000XM4

So the new Bowers And Wilkins PX7 S2 is mostly a cosmetic upgrade from the PX7’s. The PX7 S2’s look better, they feel better and they fit better too. Now personally, I enjoy the PX7 S2’s and their more premium build quality and elegant design… but they defiantly aren’t perfect and they aren’t for everyone. But today we’re going to compare the PX7 S2’s to the super feature packed, Sony 1000XM5’s and the Sony 1000XM4’s which aren’t going anywhere anytime soon.

Sony WH-1000XM5 Vs Sennheiser PXC 550-II Vs Momentum 3

Sony WH-1000XM5 Vs Sennheiser PXC 550-II Vs Momentum 3

Now both the Sennheiser PXC 550 2’s and the Sennheiser Momentum 3’s are overdue for an upgrade… these things were revealed in the fall of 2019. But they are both great sounding headphones and I really like them for very different reasons. But nonetheless, today we’re going to compare Sennheiser’s ANC headphones… to the Sony 1000XM5’s. Maybe you’re thinking about upgrading or maybe you’re looking for a really good deal.

Sony's ANC Headphone Lineup Explained 2022

Sony's ANC Headphone Lineup Explained 2022

So like I mentioned in a past video, I didn’t expect to get the WH-1000XM5’s so soon… and instead of simply replacing the 1000XM4’s… the 1000XM5’s are just a model above the 1000XM4’s. Nonetheless if you’re trying to decided between any of Sony’s ANC headphones… today we’re going to break down Sony’s late 2022 ANC headphones line up. We’ve got the Entry level WH-CH710N, the bass ahead XB910N, the old faithful 1000XM4, and the new kid, the 1000XM5.

Sony WH-1000XM5 Vs AirPods Max

Sony WH-1000XM5 Vs AirPods Max

So both the Sony 1000XM5’s and AirPods Max are a pair of ANC headphones that have gotten a lot of hype during their initial release… but I’m a little wary about recommending both of these headphones. Now I will be upfront, these are the top two headphones that block out the most amount of noise, and the AirPods Max sound really good. But both of these headphones do have underlying issues that I feel that you should know before you decide to pick either of these two headphones up.

Sony WH-1000XM5 Vs Bose QC45 Vs Bose NC 700

Sony WH-1000XM5 Vs Bose QC45 Vs Bose NC 700

So the new Sony WH-1000XM5’s have some very important upgrades on them like better active noise cancellation, better sound, better feeling leatherette, and better sounding microphones… but their all new design is a bit of a problem. But today we’re going to compare the WH-1000XM5’s to both the Bose NC 700 and Bose QC45’s. And I’m actually very excited to talk about the Bose QC45’s today cause after a recent firmware upgrade, they did get a measurable ANC performance, which was a huge surprise and a welcomed one as well.

Sony WH-1000XM5 Review And Compared To XM4 And XM3

Sony WH-1000XM5 Review And Compared To XM4 And XM3

Now I will admit, we got the Sony WH-1000XM5’s much earlier than I expected. I wasn’t expecting these headphones for another 8 to 12 months. Now even though the 1000XM5’s block out more noise, they sound a little better, and they have better feeling leatherette… their redesigned body has brought us all the way back to square one. Nonetheless, today we’re going to checkout the 1000XM5’s…. And we’re going to see how they compare to the 1000XM4’s, 1000XM3’s, and I’m even going to lightly sprinkle in the 1000XM2’s.